Browse the Knowledge Products

What is a Knowledge Product?

Knowledge Products (KPs) are usable resources created through research and various modes of inquiry. KPs generate actionable knowledge (or knowledge for action) crafted for singular or multiple purposes and are often created in response to the needs of the people or communities interacting with them. KPs can be publications, documents, infographics, policy reports, guidelines, podcasts, videos, and any other materials or forms of information.

Scroll through this library to find KPs published by Share-Net International members since 2014, through to our most recent grant cycle. From policy briefs and research reports to card games, comics and more, you will find a wide array of free-to-download SRHR resources on this page!


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Primíparas; Sexuality Education with a Pleasure Approach

  • Knowledge Activation Grants


  • Colombia

Video podcasts and social media content raising awareness on sexuality education with a pleasure approach for young people and teenagers, covering sexual intercourse, sex between women and the myth of penetration, desire and sexual pleasure, and condom use.

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The power of confident young people: a comparative study of the effects of an edutainment approach to sexuality education for youth

  • Small Grants


  • Tanzania

This project aimed to conduct a comparative study to investigate the added values of an entertainment-education and empowerment approach to sexuality education for youth in Tanzania.

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Exploring youth explicit media usage to improve the responsiveness of CSE programs in the Great Lakes Region

  • Small Grants


  • Ethiopia

  • Uganda

This research project aimed to explore young people’s exposure to sexually explicit media in the African Great Lakes region and the extent to which it influences their sexual identity development. The findings were intended to create comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programming that is better equipped to respond to the realities in their local contexts.

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Developing a case-based model: mobilising corporate companies’ resources to ensure sustainability of youth-focused SRHR programs

  • Small Grants


  • India

The aim of this project was to invigorate the youth sector by strengthening the capacity of civil society organisations working with youth in the field of SRHR in India through developing an effective and sustainable case-based model of mobilising local corporate resources.

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Collaboration réactive entre acteurs promotion SSR des adolescents et jeunes: province Cibitoke

  • Small Grants


  • Burundi

The aim of this project was to stimulate collaboration between Stakeholders in the Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youth in Burundi.

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Social Norms underpinning SRHR violations in Nigeria: Translating Research for use in Influencing Policy and Practice

  • Small Grants


  • Nigeria

The aim is to translate the research on deepened understanding about social norms in Nigeria into materials useful for the ‘ENOUGH’ campaign, which Oxfam will co-create and implement with local partners including women and human rights organisations and youth movements.

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Capacity-strengthening for national-level policy change: Europe Unite for CSE rights

  • Small Grants


  • Cyprus

  • Georgia

  • Netherlands

  • Poland

  • Romania

The aim of this project was to advocate for the implementation of CSE programs in Eastern Europe by creating a supportive environment for CSE integration in national-level policies.

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Development of outcome indicators to assess the impact of integrating youth sexual reproductive health information programs into higher education curriculum in Jordan

  • Small Grants


  • Jordan

The aim of this project was to create a new programme to integrate sexual reproductive health with other efforts to improve education and information for health promotion in the curriculum.

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To Porn, Or Not To Porn? That Is The Question: Addressing the Lack of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Ethiopia

  • Small Grants


  • Ethiopia

The aim of this project was to address these growing educational and emotional needs through a CSE product that provides relevant, readily accessible information about sex and sexual and reproductive health care.

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Promote SRHR and Inclusion in the Government’s National Plan of Action on Adolescent Health Strategy 2017-2030 in Bangladesh

  • Small Grants


  • Bangladesh

The aim of this project was to enable 60 adolescents from marginalized groups to review and provide inputs in the National Plan of Action on Adolescent Health Strategy 2017-2030 through enhancing their knowledge and confidence. In addition, they want to promote the inclusion of that group in the plan mentioned above through advocacy.

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School-based sexuality education in Tanzania

  • Small Grants


  • Tanzania

This paper reflects on the findings of a study that compared two secondary school-based sexuality education programmes: the Dance4Life sexuality education edutainment approach implemented by Restless Development, a non-governmental organisation (intervention), and an HIV prevention education approach implemented by the government (comparison), to understand into what extent a peer-led edutainment approach can be beneficial in increasing young people’s empowerment, as measured by knowledge, life skills and self-efficacy, ultimately contributing to improved sexual and reproductive health outcomes.

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Evidence-based Advocacy: Championing Sex Ed in Europe (CSE)

  • Small Grants


  • Georgia

  • Macedonia

  • Netherlands

  • Romania

The project focused on advocating for implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) programs in Europe. Evidence shows that CSE programs improve the sexual and reproductive health and well-being of young people. Considering the current challenges worldwide in advancing the SRHR agenda, CHOICE and YouAct encourage young people to voice their needs and advocate for their rights.

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Transforming capacities into advocacy-SRHR of young girls from marginalized communities in India

  • Small Grants


  • India

Through this project, Sama has been able to revisit its conversations with young girls from marginalized groups- dalits and tribal communities etc in rural parts of select States-about their rights, affirming their expressions as part of SRHR discussions. Workshops with young girls (125 girls were reached out to as part of this process) were conducted as envisaged albeit in a delayed manner and different format of online medium/ZOOM given the Covid surrounding situations and restrictions.

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Investigating if gamifying online sexuality education content increases young people’s engagement with sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) information.

  • Small Grants


  • Congo

  • Egypt

  • Kenya

  • Mexico

This project investigated if gamifying online sexuality education content increases young people’s engagement with sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) information.

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Generating debate and visualising change

  • Small Grants


  • Netherlands

Assessing the uptake of three visualisation tools in change processes geared to improving young people’s SRHR.

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Exploring the factors that inhibit or contribute to the sustainability of school interventions on menstrual health (MH)

  • Small Grants


  • Bangladesh

This project focused on assessing the sustainability of school interventions within the Ritu program and disseminating the findings. Conducted by Dhaka University with support from Simavi and Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS), the study produced data that informed a report and a fact sheet created by Simavi. BNPS utilized these materials to develop a position paper and policy brief. These resources served as the foundation for an online event hosted by BNPS and a webinar by Simavi and Share-Net. They were also distributed through social media channels and the Menstrual Hygiene Hub newsletter.

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Cholo Kotha Boli – youth to youth podcast

  • Knowledge Activation Grants


  • Bangladesh

This knowledge product will investigates and tests new and innovative approaches in SRHR and identify unheard perspectives; moreover, it works to empower girls and boys (from 16 to 25 years old) to take decisions on their sexual and reproductive health which create value in their lives. ARBAN has developed 10 episodes SRHR related audio podcast within the time frame work. Based on the following topics (Puberty, Early marriage, Menstruation and hygiene, Gender based Violence- GBV, Risk taking in sexual issues and prevention, Knowledge gap in SRHR, Pregnancy, SRHR issues in the transgender community, Family planning and safe abortion and Sexually Transmitted Diseases- STDs) the key knowledge product(s) were developed.

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Guideline on Innovative Methodologies for Involving Young People From Diverse Backgrounds on SRHR Research and Advocacy

  • Co-Creation Conference Grants


  • Indonesia

  • Kenya

  • Nigeria

This guideline contributes to creating a new direction for a research agenda on sexual and reproductive health care for culturally diverse young people. Created using human-centered design, this guideline aims to motivate and guide research institutes, government agencies, inter-governmental agencies, NGOs, and other critical stakeholders on how best to utilize innovative methodologies to involve young people with diverse backgrounds in SRHR research. The focus countries and sample of young people included in this toolkit are Kenya, Indonesia, and Nigeria.

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Not Your Usual Subjects

  • Knowledge Activation Grants


  • Multinational

Not Your Usual Subjects brings you fresh and unheard youth voices and perspectives on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on long-standing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) issues through a six-part youth-led podcast series.

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Youth Know your SRHR (Youth Know)

  • Knowledge Activation Grants


  • Malawi

Umunthu Plus and Umunthu FM continue to advocate for equitable provision of services across all humanity in Malawi. They hope that while this policy brief is not a substitute for prescribed laws and policies, this knowledge product will assist adolescent girls in accessing better Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services. Consultations with Umunthu Plus and Umunthu FM staff, direct SRHR service providers, Victim Support Units (VSU), District Social Welfare Office (DSWO), District Gender Office (DGO), and Community Policing Unit (CPU) are encouraged in cases of abuse or for clarifications.

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Correcting the Common Misconceptions on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Jordan

  • Knowledge Activation Grants


  • Jordan

This research built on existing studies conducted by Share-Net partners in Jordan, as well as research carried out with practitioners and service providers, to capture the common misconceptions women, men, girls, and boys have about Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH). To achieve the research objectives, a qualitative approach was employed. Data was collected through interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs), as well as from desk review.

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Campagne: Réseau National des Jeunes vivant avec le VIH

  • Knowledge Activation Grants


  • Burundi

Une génération informée, consciente et engagée dans la lutte contre la stigmatisation et la discrimination faites aux jeunes populations vulnérables en matière des droits de la santé sexuelle et reproductive.

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Experiences and Perceptions of mid adolescents, parents and teachers on comprehensive sexuality education: A multiple country-based qualitative research study

  • Co-Creation Conference Grants


  • Bangladesh

  • Burundi

  • Jordan

The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences, perceptions, and accessibility of knowledge among mid-adolescents aged between 14 to 17, parents, and teachers aged between 28 to 52 regarding school-based comprehensive sexuality education. The study aims to disseminate the data through a policy brief with infographic data for further advocacy, with the goal of ensuring universal access to sexuality education and promoting a better understanding of sexuality education by November 2021.

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Campaign BLOOM (Buy-in and Learning through Outcomes of MYP): Cultivating Sustainable MYP

  • Co-Creation Conference Grants


  • Multinational

Multimedia campaign promoting meaningful youth participation. The campaign showcases how adults and youth can engage in mutually beneficial partnerships to leverage each group’s skills, knowledge and capacities to achieve broader impact in the field of Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health.

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Let's Talk!

  • Co-Creation Conference Grants


  • Burundi

  • Colombia

  • Netherlands

A co-created sexual reproductive health and rights card game by youth for youth, aimed at ages around 14-24. This knowledge product includes a facilitator's guide and the card game 'Let's Talk!'.

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Choice Matters

  • Covid-19 Grants


  • Indonesia

Why girls should be in the center of development? A story from Indonesia.

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Disability and Inclusion Checklist for Accessibility to SRHR services for people with Disabilities

  • Co-Creation Conference Grants


  • Burundi

The goal of this checklist is to provide SRHR-focused organizations with an overview of what needs to be accomplished and integrated into their programming to ensure it is accessible and meaningfully inclusive of adolescents and youth with disabilities.

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Know-How of Early Marriage Prevention

  • Co-Creation Conference Grants


  • Jordan

The Institute for Family Health (IFP) has developed a methodology to prevent and reduce child marriage among Syrian and Jordanian girls. Through this methodology, they created a documentary video that showcases the IFP's experience and success story in preventing early child marriage. The purpose is to share their experience with other organizations, enabling them to apply similar strategies within their work to combat this significant violation of human rights.

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Peer Education 101: For Us by Us

  • Small Grants


  • Bangladesh

This project has resulted in the first knowledge product of its kind specifically targeted to the Bangladeshi community – an open-access Peer Education training module. The goals of this project were threefold: to strengthen emerging youth-led organizations and groups working on CSE and SRHR interventions, create scope for and strengthen youth-adult partnerships, and popularize the peer education model for CSE programs.

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Virtual HUB for SRHR promotion

  • Small Grants


  • Burundi

To enhance access to information for young people, especially on SSRAJ, where complete and quality information is limited, IPROSARUDE, in partnership with Share-Net International as part of the pilot project for setting up and operating the virtual hub, is in the process of developing a mobile application that can be downloaded on Android devices operating within the Digital Hub mode. The establishment of this platform aims to build the capacities of young people and coaches, organize idea competitions with the support of coaches and experts, and create solutions for the problems identified in the community.

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A Tailor Made Training Guide to Address Harmful Social Norms Affecting Adolescents SRHR

  • Co-Creation Conference Grants


  • Bangladesh

  • Jordan

Tailor-Made Training Modules for redefining negative social norms affecting adolescents' sexual health and well-being were created to empower adolescents to influence sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) decisions and outcomes related to sexual health and well-being. The idea for this training guide originated from the second international Co-Creation Conference, focusing on Adolescent-Youth (AY) SRHR, organized by Share-Net-International and hosted by Share-Net-Bangladesh in January 2021.

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