Browse the Knowledge Products

What is a Knowledge Product?

Knowledge Products (KPs) are usable resources created through research and various modes of inquiry. KPs generate actionable knowledge (or knowledge for action) crafted for singular or multiple purposes and are often created in response to the needs of the people or communities interacting with them. KPs can be publications, documents, infographics, policy reports, guidelines, podcasts, videos, and any other materials or forms of information.

Scroll through this library to find KPs published by Share-Net International members since 2014, through to our most recent grant cycle. From policy briefs and research reports to card games, comics and more, you will find a wide array of free-to-download SRHR resources on this page!


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Promote SRHR and Inclusion in the Government’s National Plan of Action on Adolescent Health Strategy 2017-2030 in Bangladesh

  • Small Grants


  • Bangladesh

The aim of this project was to enable 60 adolescents from marginalized groups to review and provide inputs in the National Plan of Action on Adolescent Health Strategy 2017-2030 through enhancing their knowledge and confidence. In addition, they want to promote the inclusion of that group in the plan mentioned above through advocacy.

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"Translating SRHR”: an English – Bangla Dictionary Application

  • Small Grants


  • Bangladesh

This project develop a user–friendly SRHR dictionary application that can be used on cell phones, laptops and tablets

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Exploring the factors that inhibit or contribute to the sustainability of school interventions on menstrual health (MH)

  • Small Grants


  • Bangladesh

This project focused on assessing the sustainability of school interventions within the Ritu program and disseminating the findings. Conducted by Dhaka University with support from Simavi and Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS), the study produced data that informed a report and a fact sheet created by Simavi. BNPS utilized these materials to develop a position paper and policy brief. These resources served as the foundation for an online event hosted by BNPS and a webinar by Simavi and Share-Net. They were also distributed through social media channels and the Menstrual Hygiene Hub newsletter.

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Cholo Kotha Boli – youth to youth podcast

  • Knowledge Activation Grants


  • Bangladesh

This knowledge product will investigates and tests new and innovative approaches in SRHR and identify unheard perspectives; moreover, it works to empower girls and boys (from 16 to 25 years old) to take decisions on their sexual and reproductive health which create value in their lives. ARBAN has developed 10 episodes SRHR related audio podcast within the time frame work. Based on the following topics (Puberty, Early marriage, Menstruation and hygiene, Gender based Violence- GBV, Risk taking in sexual issues and prevention, Knowledge gap in SRHR, Pregnancy, SRHR issues in the transgender community, Family planning and safe abortion and Sexually Transmitted Diseases- STDs) the key knowledge product(s) were developed.

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Dhee 2.0: Tackling forced marriages within LGBTIQ community in Bangladesh

  • Knowledge Activation Grants


  • Bangladesh

Through the story of a lesbian woman, the two-part comic book, Dhee 2.0, tackles the issues of forced marriage of the marginalized LGBTIQ+ community of Bangladesh.

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Where Do They Go? Documentary on Accessibility of SRHR Services for Single Working Women in Urban Bangladesh

  • Small Grants


  • Bangladesh

This short documentary works to understand and showcase the challenges single working women in Urban Bangladesh face and the choices they make in order to navigate their lives in a society that often overlooks their sexual reproductive health and rights.

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Be Your Daughter's Superhero

  • Knowledge Activation Grants


  • Bangladesh

A Comprehensive Period Guide for Dads to Help Daughters to be Empowered with Needed Knowledge, Confidence and Self-Esteem Ensuring their Menstrual Wellbeing.

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