Dhee 2.0: Tackling forced marriages within LGBTIQ community in Bangladesh

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Through the story of a lesbian woman, the comic book Dhee 2.0 addresses the issue of forced marriage within the marginalized LGBTIQ+ community of Bangladesh.

The comic consists of two parts. The first part narrates the story of the lesbian character named “Dhee” and the conversations surrounding her marriage, influenced by the heteronormative society and religious conservatism. It also introduces the stories of two of her friends from the same community. The second part provides information on gender and sexuality, laws and policies, and the social dynamics surrounding marriage.

To develop this knowledge material, the Justicia Feminist Network engaged with individuals of different sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions who either got married or are facing pressure from their families to do so. They conducted two focus group discussions and three informative interviews. These discussions and interviews revealed the reasons and circumstances behind their marriages, as well as the techniques and methods families and relatives used or are using to push them into marriage. The conversations also highlighted the methods people employ to avoid forced marriages. It became evident from these discussions that forced marriage takes an emotional and mental toll, significantly impacting their daily lives.

The content of the comic and the accompanying background texts reflect the insights and deep knowledge acquired from these discussions. This ensures that the perspectives of the LGBTI community on this issue are accurately represented, providing a space for intersectionality.

Knowledge product details

  • Knowledge Activation Grants

  • 2021

  • Bangladesh

  • Forced marriage


  • Share-Net Bangladesh

  • Bangla

  • Comic

KP creators involved

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This knowledge product is an enriched advocacy material to help learn about and deal with issues that lead to forced marriages and address their impact on the lives of LGBTIQ+ individuals. This comic book is particularly relevant for use by advocates for sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender-based violence.



KP creators involved

Justicia Feminist Network

Justicia Feminist Network, established in 2016, is the first legal feminist network in Bangladesh led by young women lawyers who are advocating for gender justice and strengthening the capacity of feminist lawyers, youths and justice sector actors. Our members are intergenerational feminists from the justice sector who share a common goal to challenge the status quo to ensure gender justice in society through advocacy, law reform and capacity strengthening.

Justicia Feminist Network envisions a society where gender justice is a reality, where the justice sector is more gender-sensitive, not only towards women but also to persons with all gender identities, and fosters an enabling environment for all women from the justice sector so that they are able to use their full potential to thrive and contribute in the legal sector in a more meaningful way.