Browse the Knowledge Products

What is a Knowledge Product?

Knowledge Products (KPs) are usable resources created through research and various modes of inquiry. KPs generate actionable knowledge (or knowledge for action) crafted for singular or multiple purposes and are often created in response to the needs of the people or communities interacting with them. KPs can be publications, documents, infographics, policy reports, guidelines, podcasts, videos, and any other materials or forms of information.

Scroll through this library to find KPs published by Share-Net International members since 2014, through to our most recent grant cycle. From policy briefs and research reports to card games, comics and more, you will find a wide array of free-to-download SRHR resources on this page!


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Lessons learned on programmatic collaboration between key populations: A case study of BUZA’s Bridging the Gaps – Health and rights for key populations global alliance

  • Small Grants


  • Multinational

The aim of this proposal was to conduct operational research on lessons learned regarding programmatic collaboration between organisations representing key populations with documentation and publication as output.

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The Positive Effect of Father’s Involvement During Maternity Care for His Wife

  • Small Grants


  • Jordan

The aim of this project was to develop, implement and evaluate an intervention to promote father inclusion of MNH. In addition, researchers wanted to promote active fathers’ inclusion and enhance community awareness and advocacy for the positive role of fathers.

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Maternal and newborn services in Jordan: Rapid Health Facility Assessment

  • Small Grants


  • Jordan

The aim of this was to determine the capacity of health facilities to provide obstetric and neonatal care and assess the quality of care provided during pregnancy, delivery and postpartum periods.

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Development of outcome indicators to assess the impact of integrating youth sexual reproductive health information programs into higher education curriculum in Jordan

  • Small Grants


  • Jordan

The aim of this project was to create a new programme to integrate sexual reproductive health with other efforts to improve education and information for health promotion in the curriculum.

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Promote SRHR and Inclusion in the Government’s National Plan of Action on Adolescent Health Strategy 2017-2030 in Bangladesh

  • Small Grants


  • Bangladesh

The aim of this project was to enable 60 adolescents from marginalized groups to review and provide inputs in the National Plan of Action on Adolescent Health Strategy 2017-2030 through enhancing their knowledge and confidence. In addition, they want to promote the inclusion of that group in the plan mentioned above through advocacy.

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#Menstrual Health Matters

  • Small Grants


  • Nepal

Knowledge products from a peer ethnographic study on menstrual health and hygiene management in Nepal.

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Correcting the Common Misconceptions on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Jordan

  • Knowledge Activation Grants


  • Jordan

This research built on existing studies conducted by Share-Net partners in Jordan, as well as research carried out with practitioners and service providers, to capture the common misconceptions women, men, girls, and boys have about Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH). To achieve the research objectives, a qualitative approach was employed. Data was collected through interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs), as well as from desk review.

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