Browse the Knowledge Products

What is a Knowledge Product?

Knowledge Products (KPs) are usable resources created through research and various modes of inquiry. KPs generate actionable knowledge (or knowledge for action) crafted for singular or multiple purposes and are often created in response to the needs of the people or communities interacting with them. KPs can be publications, documents, infographics, policy reports, guidelines, podcasts, videos, and any other materials or forms of information.

Scroll through this library to find KPs published by Share-Net International members since 2014, through to our most recent grant cycle. From policy briefs and research reports to card games, comics and more, you will find a wide array of free-to-download SRHR resources on this page!


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Introduce and Promote Disability-Inclusive Accessible SRHR for All

  • Small Grants


  • Bangladesh

This project in aimed to ensure inclusive sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) for people with disabilities, especially women. It tackled barriers to implementing Disability Inclusive Gender Policy through advocacy, social media campaigns, and the creation of the "Gateway to SRHR" platform. Additionally, YSPA developed a guideline for Disability-Inclusive Accessible SRHR, providing crucial information to empower individuals with disabilities and combat discrimination.

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Treat it Queer

  • Knowledge Activation Grants


  • Netherlands

This project works to translate research into products and materials that will be used to facilitate tangible change in policy or practice. Treat it Queer educates medical students and young doctors about queer inclusive health care provision, with a focus on SRHR in the Dutch context. For this project they created two tangible tools to better support and understand queer and gender queer people within medical environments.

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Disability and Inclusion Checklist for Accessibility to SRHR services for people with Disabilities

  • Co-Creation Conference Grants


  • Burundi

The goal of this checklist is to provide SRHR-focused organizations with an overview of what needs to be accomplished and integrated into their programming to ensure it is accessible and meaningfully inclusive of adolescents and youth with disabilities.

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