Browse the Knowledge Products

What is a Knowledge Product?

Knowledge Products (KPs) are usable resources created through research and various modes of inquiry. KPs generate actionable knowledge (or knowledge for action) crafted for singular or multiple purposes and are often created in response to the needs of the people or communities interacting with them. KPs can be publications, documents, infographics, policy reports, guidelines, podcasts, videos, and any other materials or forms of information.

Scroll through this library to find KPs published by Share-Net International members since 2014, through to our most recent grant cycle. From policy briefs and research reports to card games, comics and more, you will find a wide array of free-to-download SRHR resources on this page!


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Involuntarily childlessness ‘ low cost’ IVF and fertility organisations in Ghana and Kenya: enhancing knowledge and awareness

  • Small Grants


  • Ghana

  • Kenya

This project seeks to raise awareness about infertility and childlessness among stakeholders, particularly in resource-poor areas through multi-methods studies and dissemination activities, with a focus on understanding the potential impact of interventions.

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Jembatan Project: Towards Integrating Infertility in SRHR programming

  • Small Grants


  • Indonesia

Developing a replicable model and practical tool for integrating infertility in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) plans and programmes. The aim was to upscale and improve interventions to address infertility by stimulating exchange and collaboration between infertility support groups and NGOs focusing on SRHR.

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Speak out -- Break the Silence around Sub/infertility 

  • Small Grants


  • Bangladesh

  • Burundi

  • Jordan

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“Happy accident?” Couples’ reproductive decision-making and the role of gender, power and reproductive autonomy in the Netherlands.

  • Small Grants


  • Netherlands

The objective of this study was to better understand couples’ reproductive decision-making processes in the Netherlands, with specific attention to the role of gender, power, and reproductive autonomy. The study aimed to create a tool that can assist couples in this decision-making process. To achieve this goal, the University of Groningen conducted dyadic in-depth interviews with 21 couples in the Netherlands.

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