From research to action in Burundi Using evidence gathered by people living with HIV to inform advocacy

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This project aimed to develop evidence-driven advocacy to promote the SRHR of people living with HIV in Burundi.

Knowledge product details

  • Small Grants

  • 2014

  • Bangladesh

  • Advocacy


  • Share-Net Bangladesh

  • English

  • Project Presentation

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Project presentation: From research to action in Burundi Using evidence gathered by people living with HIV to inform advocacy

KP creators involved


The Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+), is a network for people living with HIV, run by people living with HIV. They engage with and support national and regional networks of people living with HIV this ensures that our global work is grounded in their local experiences and priorities. The meaningful involvement of people living with HIV is at the heart of all their work.

GNP+ works with communities that are both geographic and identity-based. They are not a membership organisation, but rather a network of interconnected individuals and organisations that is open to all.

They build broad partnerships with individuals, organisations and institutions to increase our influence. Using the power of evidence-based advocacy, GNP+ challenges governments and global leaders to improve access to quality HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services.

Alliance Burundaise Contre Le Sida

The Burundian Alliance against AIDS is a national network of civil society organizations engaged in the fight against AIDS and the promotion of health. The ABS today brings together 94 professional CSOs, PLHIV and other vulnerable and community-based organizations spread across all the provinces of the country and intervening in all areas of the national strategic plan to fight AIDS. The nature and volume of activities vary from one CSO to another depending on its experience, its capacities , and the funding mobilized.