CSE, teachers and formal and informal curricula: A qualitative analysis on the role of teachers in enhancing young women and men’s SRHR

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The aim of this project was to gain a better understanding of the concept of “comprehensive” in Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and explore who holds the authority to define it. Focused on Ethiopia as a case study, the grant sought to delve into the theoretical foundations of CSE programs. It specifically examined strategies addressing various forms of gender-based violence, including child marriage, investigating the involvement of teachers and classroom practices in advancing young people’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). The knowledge gained was disseminated among policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders in both Ethiopia and the Netherlands.

The literature review aimed to examine the fundamental components and definitions associated with Comprehensive Sexuality Education. It delved into how these elements and definitions might influence implementation in diverse contexts and at different levels. Subsequently, this review was taken up by practitioners, like the Dutch NGO Rutgers, to inform their initiatives related to CSE. Additionally, the review was presented at multiple events.

Building upon the themes identified in the literature review, the University of Amsterdam conducted field research in Ethiopia. This research aimed to deepen insights into teachers’ perspectives and experiences with CSE, as well as their roles in its delivery. The research findings were published and shared within the academic community. Furthermore, a validation meeting was held in Ethiopia, involving teachers and stakeholders, to present and discuss the research outcomes.

Knowledge product details

  • Small Grants

  • 2016

  • Ethiopia

  • Gender-based violence

  • Sexuality education

  • Share-Net Netherlands

  • English

  • Literature Review

  • Qualitative Study

  • Research Report

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Understanding the ‘Comprehensive’ in Comprehensive Sexuality Education. A Literature Review

Moulding the sexuality education teacher An analysis of comprehensive sexuality education in Ethiopia

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University of Amsterdam

The University of Amsterdam is ambitious, creative and committed: a leader in international science and a partner in innovation. Interdisciplinary research, cooperation and innovation are the keys to scientific innovation.