Campaign BLOOM (Buy-in and Learning through Outcomes of MYP): Cultivating Sustainable MYP
View knowledge productMeaningful youth participation (MYP) has gained traction amongst various stakeholders working on adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive rights (AYSRHR) issues. Increasing evidence that MYP contributes to improved AYSRHR outcomes and supports their ability to exercise their SRHR has spurred growing interest and desire to involve young people in policy, research, and programming. However, we have observed that there is still a lack of adult stakeholder MYP buy-in due to doubts about its effectiveness and/or not knowing how to implement MYP in practice.
The campaign itself was co-produced with young people, thereby demonstrating a positive model of youth/adult collaboration. The campaign drew on positive examples harvested from the team’s shared experiences of successful and sustainable MYP. Modelled on the CHOICE Flower of Participation, the Bloom Campaign harvested case stories in the form of various media products such as video testimonials, infographics, and animations to illustrate the processes that were followed to achieve the MYP outcomes in a specific project.
For more about their knowledge projects check out their online platform and their YouTube:
Knowledge product details
Co-Creation Conference Grants
Youth empowerment
Youth SRHR
Share-Net Netherlands